1. Telepathy
Telepathy is the ability to read thoughts and feelings of humans or other creatures often associated with the third eye chakra - chakra is a sort of black hole (black hole) in our souls - whose position is located in front of the head (forehead).
onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#ebeff9'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'">Six abilities after this also relies on the power of the third chakra.
Third eye on our bodies located in the forebrain. The physical form of the nerve endings in the skin outside the brain that acts as a sensor wave coming.
Every time people think and beremosi then the brain will emit waves. This spread of low-frequency waves and bounce back and forth with the speed of light then diindra the sensors in the brain of indigo and processed in brain to be transformed into a picture.
The ability to read thoughts and feelings - catch the wave - Indigo owned nearly everyone, including Indigo children are still infants. The ability to communicate remotely - sending waves - Indigo owned only by certain people only.
2. Klervoyans
The ability to see events taking place elsewhere. Just as thoughts and feelings that radiate waves, every event in nature also emit waves. The waves emitted by each being involved in the incident, even though inanimate objects emit a wave of motion of electrons in atoms and molecular vibration. This capability includes the ability to see objects that are hidden or in an enclosed place.
3. Prekognision
This relates to the ability to predict and create events that will happen. Predict the meaning of events describing an event that will occur while making the point set of events the incident would happen in the future. Ability to set an event in the future, including a rare ability difficult Indigo is owned by people in general.
Prediction is obtained by two ways, namely by looking at direct ongoing events in the future or read the data and concluded that there is in the present and deduce a most likely will happen in the future.
The first way is done by way of wandering in the dimension of time. The secret lies in the odd nature of time dimension. Dimensional linear time is not shaped like the dimensions of space, but berbentukl spiral with the direction of rotation into the dimensions of space. Imagine your spinning spiral staircase inside a building.
Because the direction of spiral rotation leads to the time dimension in dimensional space, hence the wave beam emitted by an event in the past or the future does not come from outside the body but from the body. Despite the arrival of waves from the body harder efforts are needed to catch this wave because of the nature of time dimension that can be widened and narrowed infinite (not finite). This is called wandering in the dimension of time.
However, in the time dimension there is a shortcut, namely the existence of cosmic strings which is located to cut a spiral of time. You imagine an elevator that cuts perpendicular to the direction of rotation was a spiral staircase. Travel by using the elevator must be faster than walking down the date of spin.
In the practice of wandering in the dimension of time for an Indigo enough concentration and imagine a time (year, month, date, or hour) certain - the picture can be a calendar and a clock, and saw what was happening at that time. Would be easier if there are people / witnesses known to be involved in the incident.
4. Retrokognision
Associated with the ability to view and create an event in the past. The meaning of the event was to establish the ability to create an event in the past and was influential to the present. It is also associated with a spiral dimension of time. This capability is very rarely owned by the Indigo because rarely used.
Commonly performed by the Indigo people are seeing the incident in the past to describe a condition that can exist in the present. Usually sought is the cause of an event, who are those who are involved and how the process of happening.
5. Mediumship
Indigo people have the ability to use his soul and the spirit of man or other creatures as a medium. Indigo people are able to communicate with the spirit to dig up information.
Spirit is the life energy blob structure (bodies, heads and limbs of spirits). Spirit store memories as well as the human body with his brain. Memories that were recorded by a spirit derived from the knowledge base that is idealistic (comes from The Source) and pre-existing as well as experiences that are realistic results for a life journey with the body.
Seeing beings and communicate with other creatures that are not visible but are in our dimension is included in this capability.
6. Psychometric
Meaningful ability to gather information and communicate any dengani object. This was possible because each object containing an array of atoms that form molecules. Molecules on a solid, gas or liquid waves vibrate and produce vibrations. Molecules and atoms that can also save a recording of an event. This recording can be extracted and read.
7. Hypnotic suggestion
Indigo people who do not learn hypnosis can be hypnotized with the ability telepatinya. Although the process was slow but sugestinya be permanent and can be inherited. Examples are the result of hypnotic suggestion that Indigo people do like the Apostles, Prophets, caregivers and other saints. Trace their influence still continues today.
8. Analytic
Quotient (IQ) Indigo average person over 120. Excess of ordinary people is the ability to quickly analyze data, extensive and continuous. These data are randomly scattered and will be collected and linked to each other quickly. A conclusion or answer to a question or problem can be obtained by an Indigo in just a few seconds, especially those relating to the analysis of natural events. This possibility is related to the capacity and capability in the brain that processes more than common people.
9. Telekinetik
Telekinetik means moving objects from a distance. In general, strongly associated with telepathic abilities, such as hypnotic suggestion. Changing the behavior of others by altering the genetic composition of the DNA helix and moving the cells, glands or organs in the body's metabolic system. The ability to move objects with large masses do not generally owned by people Indigo.
10.Communication with God
This ability is related to the crown chakra at the top of his head which is the door of communication between man and God. This chakra on purple Indigo person who is very strong, especially when there is a connection with The Source. Relationship with sacred beings like angels and other higher dimensions, also occur in this disc.
10 unusual ability is not all owned by everyone indigo. However, if the hold will be trained in all skills possessed because basically it is already there in every Indigo. For people who are not Indigo capabilities can also be obtained through hard training and discipline, but often also a very big obstacle.
These skills does not necessarily make people act without restraint Indigo and commit crimes against other creatures. Remember the following phrase: The power of more demanding more responsibility, too.
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