Knights Templar

On the morning of January 21, 1793, King Louis XVI of France was led into the Place de la Concord in Paris to be executed. Witnessed by the masses who gathered around, he faces death by guillotine. Exactly at 10:15, menghempas knife, separate the king's head from his body. Then, something surprising happened. A man jumped into the place of execution and mencucukkan finger into the blood of the king and shouted: Jacques de Molay,  avenged!Who does not know Jacques de Molay, last Grand Master Templar who was burned to death on charges of heresy in the year 1314.

In modern times, Knights Templar is still a figure that is important for European society. They are seen as heroes who keep the holy land during the crusades, holy war sexton accompany Richard the Lionheart. Historians view the Templars as an efficient military organization and contribute to the system of modern capitalism.
In addition, this order is also cloaked by the mystical which makes it more mysterious.

The Order of Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon, or better known as the Order of the Temple or the Knights Templar, formed by a French nobleman named Hugues de Payen in about the year 1119 in Jerusalem. The holy city has been in the hands of Christians since the previous twenty years. Jerusalem is a major center of European pilgrims. However, they are not aware of the dangers along the way to the holy places. Many robbers are ready to attack them, sometimes it is the bandit gangs Saracens, Crusader hordes that sometimes also absent. To deal with these threats, Hugues Payen formed the gang of nine knights to protect pilgrims.
Hugues and his colleagues do not really like that people imagine. They do not have the money, the clothes they wear is a clothing gift, and the difficulty to recruit new members and obtain equipment in the first years of its appearance. Then in 1129, when the Council of Troyes, the Templars have been known sebgai Christian heroes of Europe, and between the years 1139 and 1145, the pope gave to the Templars the right authority that makes it a great power.
To explore why and how the Templars became a major force at the time so fast, we need to see it from the beginning, from Jerusalem, where they obtained the conception, and from the conception that leads to the Temple of Solomon.

Temple of Solomon The first temple built by Solomon / Solomon circa 950 BC in what is now known as a location of the Temple Mount / Mount Temple. The location was chosen by his father, King David, who knew him as the place where Abraham would sacrifice Isaac, his son (may differ slightly from the viewpoint of Islam, where Ishmael, not Isaac, the sacrificed). This temple is also known as the place where the Ark of the Covenant (containing the tablets of stone God wrote the 10 commandments) are stored.
Years later, Israel was occupied by the invasion of foreign nations from the east. The first was by the Assyrian nation, then around the year 586 BC by Chaldean nation. Their king, Nebukadnessar ordered the destruction of the temple and the exile of Israel to Babylon as slaves. Chaldean nation, then conquered by the Persians, and Israel allowed his home town in 515 BC and rebuilt the Temple.
The uncertain political situation in the second century BC to make Israel's request to the protection of Rome. However, after a visit in the year 47 BC Caesar, who had been the diplomatic relations turned into the occupation by the Romans. Time elapsed since the appearance of Jesus. And in the year 70, Jews rebelled against Rome. Roman uprising was brutally destroyed and the temple was destroyed a second time. Another rebellion led by Simeon ben-emerged Koseba who later destroyed and the Jewish people are also prohibited from entering Jerusalem at all.
In the fourth century, Jerusalem a holy city for the Christian faith. In the year 312, Emperor Constantine ordered the establishment of the church in Bethlehem and in Jerusalem (where the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, known as the Church of Holy Sepulchre). But the successors of Constantine, Julian Apostate not carry on his beliefs and re-modify a follower of the pagan empire. Julian tried to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, but stopped when her death. Jerusalem does not seem destined to have the next temple.

Time passed, and in the year 638, Jerusalem was besieged by the caliph Omar and eventually fell into the hands of Muslims. Jerusalem is also sacred place for Muslims, especially around the Temple Mount, where the prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven. In the end, Al-Aqsa mosque was established in that place. Furthermore, in the 7th century, was also established another mosque called the Dome of the Rock. Then what is the link between the mosque with the Templar, it will be answered on the next posting.
Time passed again ......
After the first victory of the Crusaders, most of the crusader who survived returned to Europe. Baldwin de Boulogne stayed and became the first king of Jerusalem. Meanwhile, Tripoli was ruled by Raymond de Saint-Gille, and under the power of Antioch Bohemond of Taranto. At that point, the sacred soil of Europe has attracted pilgrims for coming. Pilgrimage sites are located outside of Jerusalem, among others: Sephoria (where the childhood of Mary), Bethlehem (the birth of Jesus), Jordan (baptism of Jesus), Mount Tabor (Jesus glorified), and from the Jerusalem-Jericho road (where the The story of the Good Samaritan). However, the roads outside the city walls of Jerusalem was not safe. On Easter 1119, a total of 700 pilgrims were attacked Saracens on the road to the Jordan River: 300 killed, 60 were taken as slaves. Worse, the troops Roger (his right hand Bohemond II of Antioch) were ambushed and killed in the Field of Blood.

To overcome the insecurity of a pilgrimage, two French nobleman, Hugues de Payen of Champagne and Godfrey de St Omer of Picardy, together with seven other knights proposes to maintain a pilgrimage to and from the Shrine to King Baldwin II. These knights are not like ordinary knight, but will be living in monastic community following the rules of St. Augustine. King Baldwin II of approving the plan. And on Christmas Day, Hugh and Godfrey vowed to follow vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in front of Baldwin II and Warmund Picquigny in the church of the Holy Sepulchre. Baldwin then gave the al-Aqsa mosque as their headquarters. And the Order of Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon, the Order of Temple, or Templars were born.
The question is what does Al-Aqsa Mosque with the Temple of Solomon and the knights Templar. Apparently the answer is quite simple. The crusader had always referred to Al-Aqsa as the Temple of Solomon. However, still a debate whether this is caused by a stubborn crusader denies the existence of the Islamic presence there or because of ignorance that the building was built as a mosque. But apart from that, the Templars believe that the area given to them is the ruins of the former Temple of Solomon.

Simbol-simbol yang dikenal dalam sejarah Templar: 
1. Dual Knights
 A symbol of the most important and oldest. Other symbols change throughout history, but this symbol does not. Dual Knights depicts two knights riding one horse which is a depiction of the vow of poverty and persaudaran. But in fact: the rules say that the knights Templar can have no more than three horses, but forbidden to share a horse. And ironically, Templar symbol of poverty instead describes a religious order of the richest in the world.

2.Chi-Rho Cross
  It also as a symbol associated with the Templars, although other organizations are also adapting many of these symbols. Legend says that the Chi-Rho Cross is a symbol of the views of Constantine in the sky before the war that made him become a Christian. Organizations now use this symbol which is the Jesuit order of the catholic church.

3.Red Cross
When the crusade started, the statement "to take the cross" has real meaning. Pilgrims, nobles, and knights wore clothing with cross motifs. So the Red Cross was not specifically as a symbol of Templar.
Cross of Jerusalem is a symbol of the cross which was officially adopted by the Templars in the year 1146. What distinguishes this from the cross a symbol of the cross is the usual length of the vertical and horizontal lines are the same. Templars were believed to adopt this symbol after seeing him in gereja2 Coptic, a branch of Orthodox Christianity that is formed in Egypt.

Cross pattee similar to a cross of Jerusalem, but with a thicker line and the curved edges out (allegedly described the lion claws). A similar symbol used by ebeberapa other order, like the knights Hospitallers with the color white on their coat is black. 

Other similar symbols often associated with the Templars is the Maltese Cross. This symbol became a symbol of the knights Hospitallers in subsequent years when they changed the name to the knights of Malta. This forms the tip of the cross symbolizing the eight point eight the beauty of the Sermon on the Mount: Blessed are the poor heart, a soft-hearted, who seek the truth, who grieve, who forgive, the pure in heart, who gives peace, and the persecuted.

A few weeks after its emergence, the Templars and then introduced to the congregation at the council of Nablus. Nine knights was welcomed his presence for security guarded the kingdom.
In early development, the Templars were very few documented. After the council of Nablus, the historian can only assume that they continue to live as a priest in the Temple of Solomon (create crusader -> Temple of Solomon = Al-Aqsa mosque) and protect the pilgrims who come from such port of Jaffa. Despite their poor living and lack of weapons and armor, they began to attract fans from the west. Fulk V, Count of Anjou met Hugh when he made a pilgrimage to Outremer in the year 1120. Fulk V was very impressed with Hugues and then donate the annual income amounted to 30 livres angevines.
Several French nobles then did the same thing as Fulk. Hugh, Count of Champagne may be the most important of them. Hugh's first visit to Outremer in 1104, and lived there for four years. Then in 1114, he returned again to the holy land. On one visit, he was escorted by Hugues de Payen. After that, Hugh returned to France. And in the year 1125, Hugh decided to return to Jerusalem and joined the Templar. However, the real contribution of new Templar looks four years later.

In 1127, King Baldwin II gave a diplomatic mission to Hugues de Payen and several colleagues to europe. According to legend, during the year consisted of nine Templars still gallant knight who is still struggling to find new personnel. However, it is certainly inconsistent with the facts. With the departure of Hugh and several other knights, then left in Jerusalem, just a little and will not be able to perform their duties. Michael the Syrian (one of the saga writer who first wrote the history of the Templars) believe that the Templars were at least already have a 30 warrior at the time.
Delegation of the Templars and then sailed to France, possibly along with William of Bures (Prince of Galile) and Guy of Brisbarre (Lord of Beirut). Their mission is to persuade to marry Fulk of Anjou Melisende, Daughter of King Baldwin (Baldwin II had no son to inherit the throne). Hugues also given another mission, namely to recruit warriors prepare for crusade against Damascus, and to introduce the Templars in the western church.
Their mission succeeded with flying colors. Fulk willing to return to Outremer and married Melisende, many knights successfully recruited for the crusade against the damask, and perhaps most important of all: Hugues met with St. Bernard of Clairvaux. With the support of St. Bernard, the Templars appeared from the shadows, filling the pages of history of Europe, and was known until recently.

In 1127, King Baldwin II gave a diplomatic mission to Hugues de Payen and several colleagues to europe. According to legend, during the year consisted of nine Templars still gallant knight who is still struggling to find new personnel. However, it is certainly inconsistent with the facts. With the departure of Hugh and several other knights, then left in Jerusalem, just a little and will not be able to perform their duties. Michael the Syrian (one of the saga writer who first wrote the history of the Templars) believe that the Templars were at least already have a 30 warrior at the time.
Delegation of the Templars and then sailed to France, possibly along with William of Bures (Prince of Galile) and Guy of Brisbarre (Lord of Beirut). Their mission is to persuade to marry Fulk of Anjou Melisende, Daughter of King Baldwin (Baldwin II had no son to inherit the throne). Hugues also given another mission, namely to recruit warriors prepare for crusade against Damascus, and to introduce the Templars in the western church.
Their mission succeeded with flying colors. Fulk willing to return to Outremer and married Melisende, many knights successfully recruited for the crusade against the damask, and perhaps most important of all: Hugues met with St. Bernard of Clairvaux. With the support of St. Bernard, the Templars appeared from the shadows, filling the pages of history of Europe, and was known until recently.

 Hugues de Payen spoke before the council which was held at Troyes Troyes, Champagne on January 13, 1129. Hugues addition, other Templar delegation was also present, namely Godfrey de St Omer, Geoffrey Bisol, Payen de Montdidier, Roland, and Archambaud de St Aignan. The Council is led by Matthew of Albano as representatives of the pope.
In the council, told Hugues Templar origin, as well as rules governing how they live. We eat together, they do not make a sound. A simple outfit. No woman in their lives. Each member made vows of poverty, chastity, and loyalty when it entered into a member of the Knights Templar.
After going through some debate, the council of Troyes under the supervision of St. Bernard's decided "the Latin Rule of the Templars", which is based upon what is described by Hugues on his speech. Regulation consists of 73 clauses that govern every aspect of life Templar.

Story of the Grail 

Most stories about the grail was started by Chretien de Troyes, a storyteller from France in the 12th century. In the story, Le Conte du Graal (Story of the Grail), or better known as Perceval, is told about a knight who seeks grail. Chretien wrote it (or mendongengkannya) between the years 1181 until 1190, but he died before Perceval resolved. After the death of Chretien, four different writers went back to the story Perceval. Perceval itself is set in the UK at the time of King Arthur.
In Chretien de Troyes version of the story and the sequel, grail is not fully explained. Then came another writer that Robert de Boron. In version grailnya story called The History of the Grail, grail is the center of the story. De Boron previously had written the story of Joseph of Arimathea is said to have a cup or chalice of the Last Supper. In de Boron's version, Joseph helped prepare Jesus' body for burial by removing blood from his body and collect in the grail (= cup / trophy last supper). De Boron was inspired about the story of an Apocryphal gospels, Acts of Pilate that is also known as the Gospel of Nicodemus. In the Gospel of Nicodemus, Joseph, locked up for 40 days after Jesus' ascension into heaven, and in confinement, Jesus appeared to him. While the version of de Boron, Joseph was imprisoned, then Jesus appeared to him, and explained about the power and mystery of the grail. Joseph and Jesus and then move out of the jail cell at the same time. Joseph eventually managed to escape to France brought along with him grail.
In the 13th century, other legends that appear Perlesvaus. Not known for certain who made up the story. However, this story is different from other stories about the grail. What makes it so different is about the grail itself. In this version, the grail is described as a hidden knowledge.
In early 1200, a German poet Wolfram von Eschenbach named create different versions of Perceval Chretien de Troyes her, namely Parzival. An outline of the story Perceval still there, but von Eschenbach added other things in it. The work of von Eschenbach is the greatest work during the early poems in Germany, and became the basis of the opera Parsifal, by Richard Wagner in 1882. In Parzival, grail is no longer described as a cup or chalice but as a rock crystal that can cure disease and provide food supplies.

Templar legends associated with confidence, strength, wealth, mystery, and secrets. For centuries, the myth of the Templars is quite simple: the Templars to own property, and then managed to smuggle out of France before the massive arrests in the year 1307, and hid it somewhere. However, since the 20th century, a new sheet of Templar mythology began to resound. For hundreds of years, the Templars have been associated with other mystical body, the Holy Grail. A new theory then emerged. Maybe not the grail chalice, or cup, or stone, or not an object at all. Maybe grail is an idea. Maybe grail itself must be hidden, not because the grail is a Relic that is not worth the price, but because the grail is a truth that could shake up the Christian faith.


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