The Order of the Teutonic Knights of St.. Mary's Hospital in Jerusalem [1] (Official names: Latin: Ordo Domus Sanctae Mariae Theutonicorum Hierosolymitanorum, Germany: Orden der Brother vom Deutschen Haus St.. Mariens in Jerusalem), or abbreviated as the Teutonic Order (Today: Germany Order), is a Germany Roman Catholic religious order. Formed to assist the Catholic in his pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and to establish hospitals that take care of the sick and wounded. Its members are better known as the Teutonic Knights, the next they also serve as a crusading military order during the Middle Ages. The members of the always small and whenever the need arises, volunteers or mercenaries who strengthened the military forces always ready.
Formerly, in the late 12th century in Acre, in the Levant, the medieval Order played an important role in Outremer (Levant and Outremer now is a combination of the territory of Israel, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon and a small part of Turkey) to customs controll port of Acre. After the defeat of Christian forces in the Middle East, the Order moved to Transylvania in 1211 to help defend Hungary from the Cumans (Turkish nomadic peoples who inhabited the Black Sea and along the Volga river). They were later driven out in 1225 after allegedly trying to occupy the area for their own self-under papal sovereignty supersedes Hungarian.
In 1230, in line with the Golden Bull of Rimini (the official document issued by Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, in Rimini on March 1226), Grand Master Hermann von Salza and Duke Konrad I of Masovia to launch the Prussian Crusade, an army Prussia combined to Christianizing the Old Baltic Prussians. Order was then formed the independent Monastic State of the Teutonic Knights in the region in takluk'kan, and continuing with the conquest of Courland (now part of Latvia), Livonia, and Estonia. King of Poland accused the land held that the order is actually the right of Poland
The Order lost its main function in Europe bersama'an with the Christianization of Lithuania. Order became involved in various military-opersai against their Christian neighbors, the Kingdom of Poland, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and the Novgorod Republic (after her aslimilasi with the Livonian Order). The Teutonic Knights had a strong economic base, hired as mercenaries all over Europe to enlarge their feudal levies, and became a maritime power in the Baltic sea. In 1410, a Polish-Lithuanian army decisively defeated the Order and broke its military strength in the Battle of Grunwald (Tannenberg).
In 1515, Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I made a marriage alliance with Sigismund I of Poland-Lithuania. After that the Empire (Holy Roman Empire) no longer had the support order against Poland. In 1525, Grand Master Albert of Brandenburg Resigned and moved Lutheranism (Protestant), became Duke of Prussia. Estonia and Livonia soon followed, and it also meant ownership of the Order is now in Protestant areas in Germany.
Order it best to retain its interest in Catholic areas of Germany until 1809, when Napoleon Bonaparte ordered the dissolution and the Order lost its secular ownership of the latter. Order of tried to keep existing as a charity and ceremonial. The organization was banned by Hitler in 1938, but was established back in 1945. Today, his operation is the core purpose of social-charity in Central Europe.
The Knights wore a long white robe with a black cross. A cross pattée (images cross the narrows in the center) is sometimes used as their coat of arms; next image is used for military decoration and insignia by the Kingdom of Prussia and Germany as the Iron Cross. The motto of the Order was: "Helfen, Wehren, Heilen" ("Help, Defend, Heal").
In 1230, in line with the Golden Bull of Rimini (the official document issued by Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, in Rimini on March 1226), Grand Master Hermann von Salza and Duke Konrad I of Masovia to launch the Prussian Crusade, an army Prussia combined to Christianizing the Old Baltic Prussians. Order was then formed the independent Monastic State of the Teutonic Knights in the region in takluk'kan, and continuing with the conquest of Courland (now part of Latvia), Livonia, and Estonia. King of Poland accused the land held that the order is actually the right of Poland
The Order lost its main function in Europe bersama'an with the Christianization of Lithuania. Order became involved in various military-opersai against their Christian neighbors, the Kingdom of Poland, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and the Novgorod Republic (after her aslimilasi with the Livonian Order). The Teutonic Knights had a strong economic base, hired as mercenaries all over Europe to enlarge their feudal levies, and became a maritime power in the Baltic sea. In 1410, a Polish-Lithuanian army decisively defeated the Order and broke its military strength in the Battle of Grunwald (Tannenberg).
In 1515, Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I made a marriage alliance with Sigismund I of Poland-Lithuania. After that the Empire (Holy Roman Empire) no longer had the support order against Poland. In 1525, Grand Master Albert of Brandenburg Resigned and moved Lutheranism (Protestant), became Duke of Prussia. Estonia and Livonia soon followed, and it also meant ownership of the Order is now in Protestant areas in Germany.
Order it best to retain its interest in Catholic areas of Germany until 1809, when Napoleon Bonaparte ordered the dissolution and the Order lost its secular ownership of the latter. Order of tried to keep existing as a charity and ceremonial. The organization was banned by Hitler in 1938, but was established back in 1945. Today, his operation is the core purpose of social-charity in Central Europe.
The Knights wore a long white robe with a black cross. A cross pattée (images cross the narrows in the center) is sometimes used as their coat of arms; next image is used for military decoration and insignia by the Kingdom of Prussia and Germany as the Iron Cross. The motto of the Order was: "Helfen, Wehren, Heilen" ("Help, Defend, Heal").
In 1143 Pope Celestine II ordered the Knights Hospitaller to take over the management of a Germany hospital in Jerusalem, which, referring to the writings of chronic Jean d'Ypres, Germany's hospital in Jerusalem to accommodate pilgrims and Crusaders countless Germany and can not speak local languages or Latin (patriæ linguam ignorantibus atque Latinam). However, although formally be arranged by an institution such as the Hospitallers, the pope ordered that the prior and persaudara'an Theutonicorum Domus (house of the Germans) are a Germanic, so a leadership tradition of religious institutions-Germany has been designed for a century 12 in Palestine
After the loss of Jerusalem in 1187, several army-payment from Lübeck and Bremen, had an idea and set up an emergency hospital when the occurrence of the siege of Acre in 1190, which later became the core of an Order: Celestine III recognized him in 1192 to provide rules such as the Augustinian monks. With a per-model of the Knights Templar, presumably in 1198, became head of the Order of the militarists and the Order became known as the Grand Master (magister Hospitalis).
They received Papal orders for the Crusades, to acquire and retain Jerusalem for Latin Christianity and defend the Holy Land against the Muslim Saracens. During the reign of Grand Master Hermann von Salza (1209-1239) the Order of the changing of persaudara'an-care for pilgrims to an Order which essentially militarist
Formerly had a base in Acre, the Knights bought Montfort (Starkenberg; now is the state of Israel, about 22 miles (35 km) north-east direction from the city of Haifa), in 1220. This castle, which is the defense of the route between Jerusalem and the Mediterranean Sea, was designed as a position of the Grand Masters in 1229, though they returned to Acre after losing Montfort result in abmbil over the Muslims in 1271. The Order also has a Castle near Trasus in Armenia Minor (now part of Turkey). Order it receives donations from the Holy Roman Empire region (ESPECIALLY in present-day Germany and Italy), Greece, and Palestine.
Emperor Frederick II (King of Germany Holy Roman Empire-nation today) picked up his close friend, Hermann von Salza in Reichsfürst status, or "Prince of the Empire", enable the Grand Master for seniors to negotiate with the other Princes, or the equivalent . During the ceremony, the coronation of Frederick as King of Jerusalem in 1225, Teutonic Knights-dedicate ourselves as a bodyguard, and while at the Holy Sepulchre church; von Salza read a proclamation for the French emperor and Germany. However, the Teutonic Knights never been so influential in Outremer as well as their older brother, Templars and Hospitallers.
In 1211, Andrew II of Hungary receives their service and give them the district of Burzenland in Transylvania. Andrew has been involved in negotiations for the marriage of a young man with young girls Hermann, Landgrave of Thuringia, which is a vassal, including Hermann von Salza family. Led by a brother who was called Theoderich, The Order of maintaining Hungary against its neighbors, the Cumans and occupies a new colony between Hungary and Germany cuman which later became known as the Transylvanian Saxons, was where they previously lived. In 1124 the Knights filed a petition to the pope Honorius III to occupy it directly under papal authority, instead of being under the King of Hungary. Anger and anxiety will grow on their strengths, Andrew respond to it with their drive in 1225, although he still allows new colonies to be occupied.
In 1143 Pope Celestine II ordered the Knights Hospitaller to take over the management of a Germany hospital in Jerusalem, which, referring to the writings of chronic Jean d'Ypres, Germany's hospital in Jerusalem to accommodate pilgrims and Crusaders countless Germany and can not speak local languages or Latin (patriæ linguam ignorantibus atque Latinam). However, although formally be arranged by an institution such as the Hospitallers, the pope ordered that the prior and persaudara'an Theutonicorum Domus (house of the Germans) are a Germanic, so a leadership tradition of religious institutions-Germany has been designed for a century 12 in Palestine
After the loss of Jerusalem in 1187, several army-payment from Lübeck and Bremen, had an idea and set up an emergency hospital when the occurrence of the siege of Acre in 1190, which later became the core of an Order: Celestine III recognized him in 1192 to provide rules such as the Augustinian monks. With a per-model of the Knights Templar, presumably in 1198, became head of the Order of the militarists and the Order became known as the Grand Master (magister Hospitalis).
They received Papal orders for the Crusades, to acquire and retain Jerusalem for Latin Christianity and defend the Holy Land against the Muslim Saracens. During the reign of Grand Master Hermann von Salza (1209-1239) the Order of the changing of persaudara'an-care for pilgrims to an Order which essentially militarist
Formerly had a base in Acre, the Knights bought Montfort (Starkenberg; now is the state of Israel, about 22 miles (35 km) north-east direction from the city of Haifa), in 1220. This castle, which is the defense of the route between Jerusalem and the Mediterranean Sea, was designed as a position of the Grand Masters in 1229, though they returned to Acre after losing Montfort result in abmbil over the Muslims in 1271. The Order also has a Castle near Trasus in Armenia Minor (now part of Turkey). Order it receives donations from the Holy Roman Empire region (ESPECIALLY in present-day Germany and Italy), Greece, and Palestine.
Emperor Frederick II (King of Germany Holy Roman Empire-nation today) picked up his close friend, Hermann von Salza in Reichsfürst status, or "Prince of the Empire", enable the Grand Master for seniors to negotiate with the other Princes, or the equivalent . During the ceremony, the coronation of Frederick as King of Jerusalem in 1225, Teutonic Knights-dedicate ourselves as a bodyguard, and while at the Holy Sepulchre church; von Salza read a proclamation for the French emperor and Germany. However, the Teutonic Knights never been so influential in Outremer as well as their older brother, Templars and Hospitallers.
In 1211, Andrew II of Hungary receives their service and give them the district of Burzenland in Transylvania. Andrew has been involved in negotiations for the marriage of a young man with young girls Hermann, Landgrave of Thuringia, which is a vassal, including Hermann von Salza family. Led by a brother who was called Theoderich, The Order of maintaining Hungary against its neighbors, the Cumans and occupies a new colony between Hungary and Germany cuman which later became known as the Transylvanian Saxons, was where they previously lived. In 1124 the Knights filed a petition to the pope Honorius III to occupy it directly under papal authority, instead of being under the King of Hungary. Anger and anxiety will grow on their strengths, Andrew respond to it with their drive in 1225, although he still allows new colonies to be occupied.
In 1226, Konrad I, Duke of Masovia in west-central Poland, the Knight pleaded in an effort to maintain its borders and subdue the pagan Baltic Prussian, by allowing the Teutonic Knights use the Chelmno Land (Culmerland-a region on the banks of the Vistula river) as the basis for movement them. This is a time where the excitement will Crussading widespread throughout western Eorpa, Hermann von Salza assume that Prussia is a good training for her knight for battle against the Muslims in Outremer. With the Golden Bull of Rimini, Emperor Frederick II gave the order was also a special privilege for imperial conquest and ownership of Prussia, including the Chelmno Land, with sovereignty under the papacy. In 1235 the Teutonic Knights assimilates Dobrzyń with small orders, which was founded by Konrad dsebelumnya.
Prussian conquests achieved with so much blood-shedding for more than 50 years, a native Prussian diamana period that still unbaptised subjugated, killed, or ostracized. Brutal battle between the Knight with the Prussian population; series pernyata'an-occurrence of the Prussian Order that will be treated with: "roasted alive those who are caught in their armor, are like chestnuts, before we bake the holy places of their local god ".
The native nobility surrendered to the Crusaders get a lot of their rights as stated in the Treaty of Christburg. However, after the Prussian uprising in 1260-83 many of the Prussian nobility or dipenampungan mer-emigration, and many residents lost Prussian independence of their rights. Prussian nobles who remained became very close in her alliance with Germany and the rulers were gradually occurred assimilation. Farmers in the front area, such as Samland, get a lot easier than those who occupy land-dense population, such as Pomesania. The crusading knights often receive baptism as a form of submission of the natives. Christianity-line along the western boundary is slowly spreading throughout the Prussian culture. The bishops are reluctant to have the Prussian religious practices including integration with new confidence, while Knight's rulers found it easier to manage when their native semi-pagan and ungodly.
The Order ruled Prussia under charters issued by the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor as a monastic state which had the good fortune, comparable to the pattern of the Knights Hospitallers held at Rhodes and later in Malta
To tidy up losing population from disease outbreaks, and replace some of the native population became extinct, the Order encouraged the immigration colonists from the Holy Roman Empire of the Nation Germany (mostly Germans, Flemish, and Dutch) and from Masovia (CMR), have recently Masurians. Colony, including the nobility, townspeople, and farmers. Prussia residents who survived gradually assimilates with the Germanization. These migrants established towns which previously was a Prussian settlements. Order itself is build some Castles (Ordensburgen) that can be used to defeat the insurgency elders Prussia, the same thing happened moments they continued attacks on the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland, the order diamana often engaged in wars during the century -14 and 15. Many of the city was founded by the Order, including Königsberg, which was founded in 1255 in honor of King Otakar II of Bohemia in the residential sites were destroyed, as well as residential Allenstein (Olsztyn), Elbing (Elblag), and Memel (Klaipėda).
In 1236, the Knights of St. Thomas, an Order of the British, to the Teutonic Order of adoption rules. The Livonian Brothers of the Sword is absorbed by the Teutonic Knights in 1237; branching Livonian immediately known as the Livonian Order. Government of the Teutonic Order laus meilputi Prussia, Livonia, Semigalia, and Estonia. Their next target is to convert Orthodox Russia to Roman Catholicism, but after the disaster kinght suffered defeat at the Battle on Lake Peipus (1242) in the hands of Prince Alexander Nevsky of Novgorod, this plan and then forgotten.
A continental Teutonic Knights that his number would not traditionally believed to participate in the Battle of Legnica in 1241 against the Mongols. However, subsequent analysis in the 15th century, the Annals of January Długosz Germany suggest that the Crusaders may include (written as allied forces) after the coronation Długosz running. Legnica is the farthest west that is able to achieve the Mongols in their expansions.
In 1226, Konrad I, Duke of Masovia in west-central Poland, the Knight pleaded in an effort to maintain its borders and subdue the pagan Baltic Prussian, by allowing the Teutonic Knights use the Chelmno Land (Culmerland-a region on the banks of the Vistula river) as the basis for movement them. This is a time where the excitement will Crussading widespread throughout western Eorpa, Hermann von Salza assume that Prussia is a good training for her knight for battle against the Muslims in Outremer. With the Golden Bull of Rimini, Emperor Frederick II gave the order was also a special privilege for imperial conquest and ownership of Prussia, including the Chelmno Land, with sovereignty under the papacy. In 1235 the Teutonic Knights assimilates Dobrzyń with small orders, which was founded by Konrad dsebelumnya.
Prussian conquests achieved with so much blood-shedding for more than 50 years, a native Prussian diamana period that still unbaptised subjugated, killed, or ostracized. Brutal battle between the Knight with the Prussian population; series pernyata'an-occurrence of the Prussian Order that will be treated with: "roasted alive those who are caught in their armor, are like chestnuts, before we bake the holy places of their local god ".
The native nobility surrendered to the Crusaders get a lot of their rights as stated in the Treaty of Christburg. However, after the Prussian uprising in 1260-83 many of the Prussian nobility or dipenampungan mer-emigration, and many residents lost Prussian independence of their rights. Prussian nobles who remained became very close in her alliance with Germany and the rulers were gradually occurred assimilation. Farmers in the front area, such as Samland, get a lot easier than those who occupy land-dense population, such as Pomesania. The crusading knights often receive baptism as a form of submission of the natives. Christianity-line along the western boundary is slowly spreading throughout the Prussian culture. The bishops are reluctant to have the Prussian religious practices including integration with new confidence, while Knight's rulers found it easier to manage when their native semi-pagan and ungodly.
The Order ruled Prussia under charters issued by the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor as a monastic state which had the good fortune, comparable to the pattern of the Knights Hospitallers held at Rhodes and later in Malta
To tidy up losing population from disease outbreaks, and replace some of the native population became extinct, the Order encouraged the immigration colonists from the Holy Roman Empire of the Nation Germany (mostly Germans, Flemish, and Dutch) and from Masovia (CMR), have recently Masurians. Colony, including the nobility, townspeople, and farmers. Prussia residents who survived gradually assimilates with the Germanization. These migrants established towns which previously was a Prussian settlements. Order itself is build some Castles (Ordensburgen) that can be used to defeat the insurgency elders Prussia, the same thing happened moments they continued attacks on the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland, the order diamana often engaged in wars during the century -14 and 15. Many of the city was founded by the Order, including Königsberg, which was founded in 1255 in honor of King Otakar II of Bohemia in the residential sites were destroyed, as well as residential Allenstein (Olsztyn), Elbing (Elblag), and Memel (Klaipėda).
In 1236, the Knights of St. Thomas, an Order of the British, to the Teutonic Order of adoption rules. The Livonian Brothers of the Sword is absorbed by the Teutonic Knights in 1237; branching Livonian immediately known as the Livonian Order. Government of the Teutonic Order laus meilputi Prussia, Livonia, Semigalia, and Estonia. Their next target is to convert Orthodox Russia to Roman Catholicism, but after the disaster kinght suffered defeat at the Battle on Lake Peipus (1242) in the hands of Prince Alexander Nevsky of Novgorod, this plan and then forgotten.
A continental Teutonic Knights that his number would not traditionally believed to participate in the Battle of Legnica in 1241 against the Mongols. However, subsequent analysis in the 15th century, the Annals of January Długosz Germany suggest that the Crusaders may include (written as allied forces) after the coronation Długosz running. Legnica is the farthest west that is able to achieve the Mongols in their expansions.
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